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  • Niki Mehta

Holistic Health: Part One

Part One: The Root of all Diseases.

When any type of health issues arise, the first reaction we are given is being told to take certain drugs. What we fail to comprehend is that these drugs do not eradicate the root of the problem, they only suppress the symptoms, which over time leads to an even bigger problem.

In Ayurveda, it is believed that every part of the body is interconnected and that there exists a solution, that nature has provided, for every single complication formed in the body.

The way our internal system works is that after ingesting a food item, our body retains what it needs, as the particles pass through the digestive system, and the rest is converted to waste. This waste is then excreted from our bodies through four channels, namely; stool (that removes the intestines' waste), urine (that extracts the kidneys' waste), sweat (eliminates skin's waste) and breath (which takes out the lungs' waste).

An unhealthy lifestyle results in the blockage of one of these channels, hence causing the waste to accumulate inside, instead of excreting. This is the number one cause of most diseases.

When diseases form in our body, we consider any, even drastic, measures available to be rid of them instantly.

What we fail to understand is that all these diseases are nothing but the waste that is collected in our bodies. For example, obesity is years' worth of toxins collected in the body. Skin problems do not appear out of the blue, they only arise when toxins have no other option but to force out through our skin. No cream in the world can hide what is breaking apart underneath; if something in our body is not well, it will show up on our face.

The outer you is but a reflection of all that is inside.

Also, hair problems such as hair-fall, dandruff or thinning of hair are only an indication of the toxins in our blood that turn the blood heavy so it can no longer travel up to our head. The loss of blood circulation in the upper region then leads to the aforementioned situations.

Stale, processed or refined foods hardly digest in our bodies, and instead they rot inside. But, once the waste is out, all diseases are cured, regardless of their location.

Another thing to take in to consideration is the timeline of diseases and how they advance if ignored or not treated as required. First-stage diseases arrive rapidly, last for a short time, and are the body's attempts at getting rid of the toxic overload that may have been accumulating inside the body for a couple of months.

Once every few months, our body will carry out a thorough cleanse through these first-stage diseases. When we have one of these, naturally, the effectiveness of one of the four detox channels increase or, depending on the sickness, a fifth channel may open up.

For instance, when you are running a fever, the effectiveness of the sweat channel is increased, or perhaps when dealing with diarrhoea, the stool channel's effectiveness increases. Also, during a cold, the nose is made to be more effective while when we are throwing up, a fifth channel is opened in the form of the mouth, in order to eliminate the excess toxins.

When we take pills to stop the symptoms of these, we are inversely forcing the toxins from leaving our bodies because most medicines suppress, not cure. Repeatedly suppressing these toxins inside cause these minor diseases to transform to their second stage, that may last longer but may not exactly be life threatening.

But when we further suppress second-stage diseases, they take their third stage and death could be near at hand in this stage.

In the end, the fundamental cause or the root of all diseases lies in all the harmful food choices made, that lead to the accumulation of waste in our bodies.

[All images sourced from Satvic Movement]

Coming Soon: Part Two - Getting Rid of Toxins in the Body.

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